Audiovisuelles Material

Equus quagga (Equidae) - Kampfverhalten

Steppenzebra. Kampfspiele der Junghengste verschiedener Altersstufen: Halskampf, Beißkampf im Stehen und Sitzen, Kampfkreiseln, Steigen. Bei den Kampfspielen erwachsener Hengste gleiche Verhaltensweisen. Bei ernsthaften Kämpfen zusätzlich Jagen mit Ausschlagen, wenig ritualisiert, aber ohne ernsthafte Verletzungen.
The film shows the various fighting methods of zebras (Equus quagga böhmi), as seen in their natural surroundings. All methods of fighting occur also in the playful arguments between young and adult stallions, but at a slower pace. There is virtually no ritualisation and the zebra can, in any case, not inflict serious injuries. The first part of the film shows fighting games among young males: neck wrestling, biting in the standing and sitting position, and encircling. This is followed by playful fights between adult males and the last 6 sequences are of serious fighting among male zebras.

Klingel, Hans; 1967 | IWF (Göttingen)

Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivates 3.0 Germany



(Jan. 1967)

fighting games / Perissodactyla; Mammalia - Säugetiere; play-fighting / Perissodactyla; Kampfspiele / Perissodactyla; Perissodactyla - Unpaarhufer; zoology; Spielen / Perissodactyla; mammalia - mammals; plains zebra; Equus quagga; Zoologie; playing / Perissodactyla; vertebrata - vertebrates; Vertebrata - Wirbeltiere; biology; ethology, morphology; Zebra / Steppenzebra; zebra / plains zebra; Encyclopaedia Cinematographica; fighting behaviour / Mammalia; Biologie; Ethologie, Morphologie; Kampfverhalten / Mammalia; perissodactyla - odd-toed ungulates (perissodactyls); SteppenzebraDocumentation/Report

Klingel, Hans
IWF (Göttingen)
Klingel, Ute
IWF (Göttingen), 1967

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18.04.2023, 12:34 PM CEST

Object type

  • Audiovisuelles Material


  • Klingel, Hans
  • IWF (Göttingen)
  • Klingel, Ute

Time of origin

  • IWF (Göttingen), 1967

Other Objects (12)