Financial development, structure and growth: New data, method and results
The existing weight of evidence suggests that financial structure (the classification of a financial system as bank-based versus market-based) is irrelevant for economic growth. This contradicts the common belief that the institutional structure of a financial system matters. We re-examine this issue using a novel dataset covering 69 countries over 1989-2011 in a Bayesian framework. Our results are conformable to the belief - a market-based system is relevant - with sizable economic effects for the high-income but not for the middle-and-low-income countries. Our findings provide a counterexample to the weight of evidence. We also identify a regime shift in 2008.
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Series: Cardiff Economics Working Papers ; No. E2016/2
Economic Development: Financial Markets; Saving and Capital Investment; Corporate Finance and Governance
Economic Growth
Bayesian Model Averaging
Structural Breaks
Khan, Mosahid
Leon-Gonzalez, Roberto
Li, Guang Jie
- Handle
- Letzte Aktualisierung
12.07.2024, 13:22 MESZ
- Arbeitspapier
- Luintel, Kul Bahadur
- Khan, Mosahid
- Leon-Gonzalez, Roberto
- Li, Guang Jie
- Cardiff University, Cardiff Business School
- 2016