Wage posting or wage bargaining? Evidence from the employers' side
Using a representative establishment dataset, this paper is the first to analyze the incidence of wage posting and wage bargaining in the matching pro-cess from the employer's side. We show that both modes of wage determination coexist in the German labor market, with about two-thirds of hirings being charac-terized by wage posting. Wage posting dominates in the public sector, in larger firms, in firms covered by collective agreements, and in part-time and fixed-term contracts. Job-seekers who are unemployed, out of the labor force or just finished their apprenticeship are also less likely to get a chance of negotiating. Wage bar-gaining is more likely for more-educated applicants and in jobs with special requirements as well as in tight regional labor markets.
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Series: Diskussionspapiere ; No. 85
Employment; Unemployment; Wages; Intergenerational Income Distribution; Aggregate Human Capital; Aggregate Labor Productivity
Wages, Compensation, and Labor Costs: General
Labor Turnover; Vacancies; Layoffs
Personnel Economics: Firm Employment Decisions; Promotions
wage bargaining
Gartner, Hermann
Schnabel, Claus
- Handle
- Letzte Aktualisierung
20.09.2024, 08:21 MESZ
- Arbeitspapier
- Brenzel, Hanna
- Gartner, Hermann
- Schnabel, Claus
- Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Arbeitsmarkt- und Regionalpolitik
- 2013