Do Business Visits Cause Productivity Growth?
The production and diffusion of knowledge have increasingly been seen as potential causes of the observed international differences in total factor productivity and, in turn, as possible sources of economic growth. This paper presents the results of a causality study between business visits and multifactor productivity using a unique database that covers 30 sectors for 17 countries over the period 1998-2007. The results suggest that there is a causal link in some of the most innovative sectors from business visits to productivity. Business visits emerge as a fundamental channel for the spread of knowledge.
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Series: IZA Discussion Papers ; No. 7827
International Migration
Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models: Time-Series Models; Dynamic Quantile Regressions; Dynamic Treatment Effect Models; Diffusion Processes; State Space Models
Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models: Panel Data Models; Spatio-temporal Models
panel data
causality tests
Joyeux, Roselyne
- Handle
- Letzte Aktualisierung
12.07.2024, 13:21 MESZ
- Arbeitspapier
- Tani, Massimiliano
- Joyeux, Roselyne
- Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)
- 2013