Tourism and Regional Development – the Case of Romania
The policies regarding regional development in the last years took tourism more and more into account, as a strategic sector for the assurance of a dynamic economic growth of regions with an important tourism potential. Consequently, we intend to analyse the implications of the North-East Regional Development Agency in the development of Romanian tourism in the present socio-economic context, both at regional and at national level.
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Journal: CES Working Papers ; ISSN: 2067-7693 ; Volume: 4 ; Year: 2012 ; Issue: 3a ; Pages: 480-492 ; Iasi: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Centre for European Studies
Business Administration: Other
Project Analysis
General Regional Economics: Other
Regional Development Planning and Policy
North-East Regional Development Agency
Romania Romania
Minut, Clara
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- Artikel
- Butnaru, Gina-Ionela
- Minut, Clara
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Centre for European Studies
- 2012