Neuerscheinung: Föderale Vielfalt – Globale Vernetzung. Strategien der Bundesländer für das kulturelle Erbe in der digitalen Welt

New Publication: Federal Diversity – Global Networking. Strategies of the Federal States for the Cultural Heritage in the Digital World


Press Release Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek

The second volume of the series "Cultural Heritage in the Digital World" of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek has just been published. For the first time, the anthology provides a more comprehensive overview of the activities related to the dissemination and networking of the cultural heritage in each federal state of Germany.

While the first volume titled „ A Future for the Past" dealed with issues related to public responsibility, social tasks and private engagement, the second volume is now focused on the federal states' strategies for the cultural heritage in the digital world.

In detail, the contributions answer questions on the organisational structure and infrastructure of digitalization as well as cooperations and political conditions and set the political agenda in relation to actual achievements. They describe the progress of implementation and provide information on digitisation services, projects and their coordination. Furthermore, they do not only explain institutional responsibilities and portals but also the cooperation with the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek. Finally, the contributions include explanations regarding long-term archiving and provide prospects for future developments. Selected concepts outside Germany round off the picture. The publication is availabe in printed form and is also freely available as an EPUB or PDF file.

Deckblatt Publikation Föderale Vielfalt Globale Vernetzung

Ellen Euler, Paul Klimpel (editor): Federal Diversity  ̶  Global Networking. Strategies of the Federal States for the Cultural Heritage in the Digitalised World. A publication of the German Digital Library, publication series titled „ Cultural Heritage in the Digital World“, volume 2; Hamburg (Hamburg University Press), 2016; 239 pages including a slide show.

Contributions from Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony,  Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringia and municipal cultural institutions.

Freely available online at:
Print-on-Demand: € 14.90 (to be ordered via bookstores or the publisher, ISBN 978-3-943423-34-1)

For review copies, please contact:

Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek, Astrid B. Müller
a.mueller [at] (a[dot]mueller[at]hv[dot]spk-berlin[dot]de)
Hamburg University Press:
info.hup [at] (info[dot]hup[at]sub[dot]uni-hamburg[dot]de)

Publication series titled „Cultural Heritage in the Digital World“

The publication series titled „Kulturelles Erbe in der digitalen Welt“ ("Cultural Heritage in the Digital World") (ISSN: 2509-8276, E-ISSN: 2509-8284) initiated by Ellen Euler (German Digital Library) addresses new impulses for the cultural heritage arising from the increasing digitalisation and deals, among others, with organisational, financial, technical and legal issues regarding  the digitalisation and imparting of culture and knowledge via the Internet as well as their effects on the social mission of memory institutions.

The contributions of the series are published as print and electronic versions and are also freely available at

Ordering options and publishing information:

Freely available online  at:
             EPUB: ISBN 978-3-943423-35-8
             PDF: 978-3-943423-36-5
Print-on-Demand: € 14,90 to be ordered via bookstores or the publisher
             ISBN 978-3-943423-34-1, softcover, 239 pages including a slide show, 12,8 x 20,8 cm
Further information:

Hamburg University Press is the publisher of the State and University Library Carl von Ossietzky in Hamburg (SUB Hamburg). It publishes selected works of scientists of the University of Hamburg as well as other scientific institutions. The publisher supports Open Access, the free access of scientific literature and scientific materials in science: all publications are available online as reading matter and can be downloaded for free. The publications are usually released alongside as high-quality books in print-on-demand. 
Hamburg University Press, publisher of the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky (the State and University Library Carl von Ossietzky in Hamburg)
Von-Melle-Park 3, 20146 Hamburg,              Telephone 040 42838-7146,       Fax 040 42838-3352
order.hup [at] (order[dot]hup[at]sub[dot]uni-hamburg.d)           


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07.09.2016 - Press Release "New Publication: Federal Diversity – Global Networking. Strategies of the Federal States for the Cultural Heritage in the Digital World"
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