Die Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek auf der YOU – Leitmesse für Jugendkultur, Berlin

The Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek at the YOU – Leitmesse für Jugendkultur (Youth Culture Fair), Berlin


Coding da Vinci

From 27th to 29th June 2014 Berlin will host the ‘YOU’ the leading fair for youth culture and education, an event aimed at young people, teachers and trainers.

In an age of digital communication and social networks YOU was conceived as a platform offering one-to-one contact and authentic experiences as a means by which to reach young people.

The event focuses on two areas of interest – ‘music.sports.lifestyle’ and ‘education.career.future’. The music.sports.lifestyle section offers a programme of shows, interactive activities, workshops and competitions aimed at experience-oriented teens while the halls devoted to education.career.future are concerned with everything linked to career starts and ongoing education courses.

The Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek is taking part in the Fair for the first time and has been invited to present the DDB and its work in the Teachers’ Lounge.

Stand of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek on Pupils Day:

Friday 27th June 2014, 9am-3pm, in the Lehrerlounge

At the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek stand we will be providing details on the project and showing what information can be found in the DDB and how the material can be used for schools. We look forward to talking with teachers and hearing ideas on how the Library might collaborate with schools, teachers and pupils!


Further information:

YOU – Leitmesse für Jugendkultur, Berlin
27th to 29th June 2014

Friday: 9am – 3pm,
Saturday and Sunday: 10am to 6pm

Messe Berlin, Halls 21 - 25
