Coding da Vinci Ost3 (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 DE)

Coding da Vinci East³ 2022: 19 project ideas at the kick-off in the border triangle


By Anne Liebscher (Coding da Vinci)

On 19 and 20 March, the kick-off event of Coding da Vinci Ost³ 2022 took place as a trilingual, simultaneously interpreted hybrid format. On Saturday, 50 representatives of data-providing institutions from the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany were guests at the SLUB Dresden, a further nine were connected online, as were around 90 participants from all three countries. The Sunday programme, including six input workshops, ran entirely online.

One Minute Madness: Datengeber*innen stehen Schlange vor der Bühne Fotofeinwerk (CC BY-SA 4.0)
One Minute Madness: Data providers queue up in front of the stage, Fotofeinwerk (CC BY-SA 4.0)

43 minutes landscape bed – from starfish to satire to mathematical models

After a short, playful mix of language course and getting to know each other, the 43 thematically very different datasets were presented live in One Minute Madness from the stage of the SLUB's Klemperersaal and via Zoom by the representatives of the cultural institutions - traditionally in just one minute each. Afterwards, the data providers moved with their laptops under their arms to the reading room of the SLUB, from where they could talk to the participants about all the datasets in more detail via the virtual, extensively designed meeting place Gather.Town. The platform also included videos on all datasets and links to the presentation of the datasets on the Coding da Vinci website.

Hybrides Ideenpitching, Fotofeinwerk (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Hybrid idea pitching, Fotofeinwerk (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Immediately afterwards, the ideas pitch began, in which the participants presented their diverse and creative project ideas. More proposals were added on Sunday as well. The ideas were recorded in a graphic recording by Regina Rullmann (www.buntbü Many of them are already on the Hackdash for Coding da Vinci Ost³ 2022 – and there are still more to come.

On the second day of the kick-off, the project work in the teams began, where initial project plans were drawn up and the ideas developed further. In parallel, six input workshops on topics such as game design, IIIF, AI in the cultural sector and citizen science could be attended, where participants and data providers also gained insights into Coding da Vinci scholarship projects.

Sprint phase started – developers, coders and designers wanted!

With the end of the kick-off, the six-week sprint phase was heralded. Many project teams are still looking for support, for example from the following areas: storytelling, 3D implementation, graphics, development, Java programming, sound design, illustration, speakers. Anyone who still has a new project idea is also welcome at any time and can still join the hackathon!

Dolmetscher*innen sorgen dafür, dass alle Beteiligten in ihrer Muttersprache sprechen können. Fotofeinwerk, CC BY-SA 4.0
Interpreters ensure that all parties involved can speak in their mother tongue, photo fine-tuning, Fotofeinwerk (CC BY-SA 4.0)

If you still want to participate in Coding da Vinci Ost³ 2022, please feel free to contact anne.liebscher [at] (Anne Liebscher) by e-mail. An overview of the current project ideas can be found on the Hackdash (updated continuously). The datasets can be viewed here.

Award ceremony on 30 April 2022 in the European city of Görlitz

On April 30, 2022, the results of the project teams will be presented at the award ceremony in the Filmpalast Görlitz. An international jury of experts will select and award the best projects in four different categories. In addition, an audience award will be presented.

<em> <a href="">(CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 DE</a>)</em>

#cdvbw22: Registration open!

And off we go!
After the great start of Coding da Vinci Ost
3Coding da Vinci Baden-Württemberg is also starting and registration has already opened.

Let your Data in!

...and come to the kick-off at the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe on 7 and 8 May 2022

  • 33 datasets are in preparation and will be published soon.
  • 200 participants may be present
  • 4 tracks are available for inspiration
  • 15 co-organisers will take care of your well-being

As platforms, we also use Discord, Gather.Town, and the old familiar e-mail in advance. At the kick-off on the first weekend in May, however, we will focus on togetherness and only stream some official parts, because we are looking forward to seeing you and want to spoil you as much as possible!

Register Now!

We look forward to seeing you! codingdavinci [at] (codingdavinci[at]mfg[dot]de)

