Inequality in the Distribution of Household Expenditure in Cameroon
In the literature, it is generally accepted that consumption is a more appropriate welfare measure than household income or salaries. This paper aims to investigate the evolution of expenditure inequality in Cameroon over the 1984-1996 period, with the help of Lorenz Curves, the Gini coefficient, and two entropy measures of inequality. Total expenditure inequality is decomposed into the within-groups and between-groups components using Theil's decomposition techniques and household expenditure data derived from the 1984 and 1996 National household surveys (i.e. the 1983/1984 Household Consumption Budget (EBC) survey, and the 1996 Cameroonian Household Survey (ECAM1)). Decompositions are carried out according to the residence area (rural, semi-urban, and urban), stratum, age, educational level and the gender of the household head. Policy implications are discussed.
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- Erschienen in
Series: Proceedings of the German Development Economics Conference, Frankfurt a.M. 2009 ; No. 43
Household Surveys
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- Letzte Aktualisierung
20.09.2024, 08:22 MESZ
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- Konferenzbeitrag
- Fambon, Samuel
- Verein für Socialpolitik, Ausschuss für Entwicklungsländer
- 2009