Gruppe am Badekarren

Archivportal-D: New data sets in the theme portal!


By Archivportal-D

The Archivportal-D is now presenting around a further 6.000 archive objects from the Federal Archives and the State Archives of Baden-Wuerttemberg, linked with keywords, in the theme portal of the Weimar Republic. Whether holiday or Carnival photos, testimonies of German colonial policy or the estate of the Imperial Chancellor Constantin Fehrenbach, the digital holdings give an insight into the multi-faceted legacy of the Weimar Republic and invite you to discover it.

Examples of holdings added from the State Archives, which have all been digitised:

 Gruppe am Badekarren auf Norderney
Gruppen am Badekarren auf Norderney, Juli 1929, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, W 134 Nr. 001178A

Examples of holdings added from the Federal Archives, which have all been digitised:

Koloniale Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft
Koloniale Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft, Richtlinien für die koloniale Propaganda und praktische Kolonialpolitik (1925), Auszug aus der kolonialrevisionistischen Zeitschrift "Kolonie und Heimat", BArch R43-I/625, S. 244

A short explanatory film offers help in navigating and searching the theme portal. Realised by the Federal Archives and the exhibition agency musealis GmbH.

Have a look at the Archivportal, browse through the digital copes and let yourself be drawn into the history of the Weimar Republic!
