Transforming Agri-Food Sectors to Mitigate Climate Change: The Role of Green Finance
Globally, food systems have become heavily industrialized and are currently threatening both environmental sustainability and human health. Feeding a growing world while remaining within safe social-ecological planetary boundaries, as dictated by the UN Social Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement, is feasible but requires a paradigmatic shift in agricultural value chains and their financing: a “Great Food Transformation.” Tracing today’s agri-food main global developmental and financial trends, this paper proposes a set of financially-oriented public policies to accelerate this transition with a focus on advanced and large emerging market economies. Suggested measures include public lending, insurance and guarantee schemes to aid the transition; financial training schemes; changes to prudential regulation to account for financial risks of non-sustainable farming; alongside a bolder approach to ESG investment of public funds and steps to expand green and sustainable bond markets.
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Journal: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung ; ISSN: 1861-1559 ; Volume: 88 ; Year: 2019 ; Issue: 3 ; Pages: 7-42 ; Berlin: Duncker & Humblot
Economic History: Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment, and Extractive Industries: General, International, or Comparative
Agricultural Finance
Agricultural Policy; Food Policy
Renewable Resources and Conservation: General
Renewable Resources and Conservation: Government Policy
land use
green bonds
Paris Climate Agreement
Great Food Transformation
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20.09.2024, 08:24 MESZ
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- Artikel
- Batini, Nicoletta
- Duncker & Humblot
- 2019