Thomas Phelps und John Bartlett
weitere Objektbezeichnung: Tiefdruck
Doppelbildnis von Thomas Phelps und John Bartlett im Observatorium mit Teleskop, Globus und Uhr.
- Material/Technik
Papier (vergé); Mezzotinto
- Maße
Gesamt (Blatt): Höhe: 422 mm; Breite: 281 mm Teil (Platte unten abgeschnitten): Breite: 278 mm Teil (Abbildung): Höhe: 349 mm; Breite: 277 mm
- Inschrift/Beschriftung
Signatur: betitelt Wo: u. l.; u. r. Was: Thomas Phelps, aged 82. John Bartlett.
Signatur: signiert Wo: u. r. Was: James Watson fecit.
Signatur: bezeichnet Wo: u. l.; u. r. Was: Thomas Phelps, aged 82. Who from being a Stable Boy in the year 1718, to the then Lord Chief Justice Parker, afterwards Earl of Macclesfield, rose by his Merit, to the upper Employments in that Family, and at last, for his uncommon Genius, was promoted to be Observer, in their Observatory, at Sherburn Castle. He was born at Chalgrove in Oxfordshire, January 1694. John Barlett. At the time his Picture was drawn, aged 54. Originally a Shepherd, in which Station, he by Books and Observation acquired such a Knowledge in Computation, and of the Heavenly Bodies, as induced the late George, Earl of Macclesfield, to appoint him Assistant Observer in his Observatory at Sherburn Castle. He was born at Stoke Talmage in Oxfordshire, August 22d. 1721, O. S.
- Standort
Staatliche Bücher- und Kupferstichsammlung Greiz
- Inventarnummer
- Sammlung
Historische Sammlung
- Bezug (was)
Ikonographie: Doppelporträt
Ikonographie: Mann
- Klassifikation
Druckgrafik/Druckerzeugnisse (Sachgruppe)
- Geliefert über
- Rechteinformation
Staatliche Bücher- und Kupferstichsammlung Greiz
- Letzte Aktualisierung
14.03.2023, 12:45 MEZ
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- Grafik