Not wisely, but too well : A Novel. By the Author of "Cometh up as a Flower." In 2 Volumes. (2 Voll. in 1.). I = 2
- Location
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- P.o.angl. 38 o-2/3
- Bibliographic citation
Not wisely, but too well ; I = 2
- Series
(Rhoda Broughton,) Works. 2. 3
- Published
Leipzig : Tauchnitz, 1867
- Last update
30.07.2024, 8:46 AM CEST
Data provider
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. If you have any questions about the object, please contact the data provider.
Time of origin
- Leipzig : Tauchnitz, 1867