Gender indicators of the United Nations Development Programme
The Human Development Report published by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) introduced new measures to evaluate progress in reducing poverty and empowering women: Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI), Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), Gender Inequality Index (GII), Gender Development Index (GDI). In the paper GDI and GII indicators are presented and analysed, what is supplemented with a detailed analysis of the individual components of these indices for Poland. Additionally, this article wants to evaluate reduction of gender inequality in Poland.
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Journal: Economic and Environmental Studies (E&ES) ; ISSN: 2081-8319 ; Volume: 16 ; Year: 2016 ; Issue: 4 ; Pages: 511-530 ; Opole: Opole University, Faculty of Economics
Environment and Development; Environment and Trade; Sustainability; Environmental Accounts and Accounting; Environmental Equity; Population Growth
Economics of Gender; Non-labor Discrimination
Śleszyński, Jerzy
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- Letzte Aktualisierung
20.09.2024, 08:22 MESZ
- Artikel
- Stachura, Paulina
- Śleszyński, Jerzy
- Opole University, Faculty of Economics
- 2016