Weekly Reports
Enthält u.a.: Weekly Reports on Cultural Affairs. 1. Mid - Weekly Reports, July 1945 (A. Chief of Book Section, B. Bookstores a. Lending Libraries, C. Publishers, D. Prints), 2. Weekly Reports Nr. 1 - 89, July 1945 - Dec. 1946 (Production - Authors, Titles and Publishers of Books and Pamphlets - Licensing), 3. Statistics, 4. Analysis of the German Publications in the U.S. Zone.
- Archivaliensignatur
B Rep. 036-01 Nr. 4/8-2/11
- Bestand
B Rep. 036-01 Office of Military Government Berlin Sector (OMGBS)
- Kontext
B Rep. 036-01 Office of Military Government Berlin Sector (OMGBS) >> 06. Information Services Branch (ISB)
- Laufzeit
Juli - Dez. 1946
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- Archivale
- Juli - Dez. 1946