Tourism and Terrorism: A Worldwide Perspective
We live in a society marked by major changes in the tourism field. Tourist destinations make all possible efforts to best promote their tourist offer and attract as different tourist categories as there might be. However, these tourist destinations are sometimes associated with terrorist attacks that can turn a famous tourist area into a highly avoided one. Terrorism may be permanently detrimental to a tourist destination on both social and economic levels. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the impact that terrorist attacks have on tourism around the globe. The research method used for the achievement of this article is documentary research. Through the proportions and forms that it has taken, terrorism has become one of the more and more active and threatening calamities that affect the international community. For some organizations, terrorism has become a means of solving their political, cultural and religious problems, taking tourism as a niche through which they can carry out their targets
- Sprache
- Erschienen in
Journal: CES Working Papers ; ISSN: 2067-7693 ; Volume: 8 ; Year: 2016 ; Issue: 1 ; Pages: 1-19 ; Iasi: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Centre for European Studies
- Klassifikation
Sports; Gambling; Restaurants; Recreation; Tourism
Tourism and Development
- Thema
global terrorism index
tourists’ behavior
destination image
- Ereignis
Geistige Schöpfung
- (wer)
Albu, Cristina Elena
- Ereignis
- (wer)
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Centre for European Studies
- (wo)
- (wann)
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20.09.2024, 08:25 MESZ
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- Artikel
- Albu, Cristina Elena
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Centre for European Studies
- 2016